The South Circular Garden is a local community food gardening project on the corner of South Circular Road and Place avenue in Dublin, Ireland. We have a derelict site on loan from ST Salvage Company that we have converted into a community food garden This is a continuation of the initial successful Dolphins Barn Community squatted food garden that was on the canal from 2005 -2007 contact Willie Brennan: 087 958 3797
Hi there
my name is Barbara, we are interested with my husband (and daughter) to become prt of a community garden, as we are interested in growing our food & be part of a community. Also we don't have our own garden at the moment. Are you looking for mor people to join in? Let us know
Hi Barbara
You are all welcome to come along this Saturday from 1pm and meet the community gardeners and see how you might be able to get involved.
Best Wishes
Hi there. I live on Reuben Street and I've always wanted to join the community garden and chip in with my rusty forks but haven't yet got around to contacting ye. I will do it soon. I noticed walking by the other day that there is what appears to be a Giant Hogweed flourishing on site. This is a non-native invasive plant, a scourge of our inland water ways, and should be removed by the root from site, with great care taken as the sap can cause very unpleasant blistering.
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