I went over to Wales on the week-end 7 May/9May 10 to do a work shop on Biodiversity in the Botanic Gardens.It was a great way to meet all other people interested in biodiversity and it will help us back home in our own community garden.
I enclose some photo`s from the week-end I hope you enjoy them,I also left some information in our wooden shed from the visit to our Welsh Green community neighbours .
Willie B.

Hi Willie,
I just have been to the garden it looks great, I wanted to do some things but I will wait until Saturday because I didn't want to mess with anything. I saw that we might have visitors on Saturday and I was thinking, I could bake something or I don't know. Are we doing anything for the people that come?
See you on Saturday
Hi Ana,
Tomorrow Saturday 22nd. will be a Food cycle to the different Community Gardens,Allotments,Plots in the area.Please see attach on the different routes involved.We will spent about half a hour in each Plot,Community Garden, Allotment,this is just a rough guide.We will all the 4 routes meet up in the Iveagh gardens in Harcourt and have a relaxing time ,you bring your own food as we all will do.If you like to bake something by all means do for your benefit.Hope to see you there in the garden and if you can cycle the better.
Willie B.http://www.dublincycling.com/foodcycle
Hi Willie
I'd like to take this oppertunity to introduce myself, my name is
Sinead Drew and I have just qualifed as a Social and Therapeutic
Horticulturist. I begin work in Sanksalpa, a rehabilitation center for
people suffering from the affects of addiction. I was doing some
research into the area of Finglas and Cabra (as this is where
Sanksalpa is located) and I came across your site. I am very impressed
by the community garden and what it is trying to achieve. I too
believe that as a race we have disconnected from our natural
environments and lost a sense of self sufficiency that is innate in
all of us.
As I have been asked to facilitate a Social and Therapeutic
Horticulture programme I was wondering if there is an available area
in which I and a group of 8-9 people could work, for one morning a week for a 6 week period?
I feel that creating a programme that is outdoors would hugely benefit
the group health and well-being and the community in general.
I am not sure how you operate at Finglas Community Garden in
regards to joining up and taking part in the garden, any information
on this would be extremely useful. My start date is 29th August 2011, I was wondering if we could meet up with you or someone else on the 29th to visit the site.
Once again I like to praise you wonderful efforts at keeping an area
green in an urban setting and bringing together a community.
Thank you for your time
Kind regards
Sinead Drew
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