We had a cycle day on Saturday last,it was a glorious day Sun shinning and people in a happy mood .We met at the Garden of Remembrance all 25 or so of us would be cyclist ready to go on this sunny day.The object was to visit some of the community gardens around the city of Dublin.First stop was the Sitric garden on Stric rd. then on to Bridgefoot st.finishing off in South Circular Community garden.Last but not least a picnic in Dartmouth Sq. garden for some chat and some eating of garden products i.e. Scallots,Salads,Herbs.Please see photo`s of the days visits.

Dartmount Sq. Taking in the Sun ray`s and just enjoying ourselves

S.C.R. Community front of garden.

S.C.R. Enjoying the talk and having a look around the garden.

Dartmount Sq. Last port of call.

S.C.R. from a another angle.

Sitric rd. Plant supports.

Sitric rd. Notice board outside garden with local information.

Sitric rd. Using rain water with water plants

Sitric rd.Get`s lots of Sun.

Sitric rd.All eager to see the garden

Bridgefoot St. One of the committee given a talk on the garden.

Waste not want not in Bridgefoot St.

Raised beds ,some of the different plants in growth.Bridgefoot St.

Bridgefoot St. Use of netting to keep of unwelcome guest.

Bridgefoot st. still space left to be used.